How do I know if it's Perimenopause? Signs and symptoms of perimenopause and when to get support

How do I know if it's Perimenopause? Signs and symptoms of perimenopause and when to get support

Perimenopause is the window of time where the body gradually undergoes the transition to menopause, or the end of the menstrual cycle. Reproductive hormone levels will fluctuate as they work towards an overall decline in production. Walk confidently into menopause knowing that your sex life need not suffer - there are supports available to help maintain the health and hydration of vaginal tissue, and to support a robust libido after menopause. 

Put an end to your nightmare PMS

Put an end to your nightmare PMS

The misery of PMS is avoidable! We are not irrational, unreliable, or hysterical by virtue of our monthly cycle. PMS doesn’t have to be something to dread. It doesn’t have to feel like we’re out of control. PMS doesn’t have to ruin your month. We can help.

Why Weight Loss is not the answer to PCOS

Why Weight Loss is not the answer to PCOS

The most common recommendations for PCOS within conventional medicine are to regulate menstrual cycles with hormonal birth control and to lose weight. The real issue and what we should be treating is the metabolic mis-firing, not the number on a scale. Weight loss is often used as a goalpost to reach even though it may not directly affect outcomes. Unfortunately, the quick recommendation in the case of most PCOS patients that they lose weight is rooted in medicalized fat-phobia rather than supported by best practices and patient outcomes.

PCOS and Pregnancy: How Naturopathic Medicine can support your fertility journey

PCOS and Pregnancy: How Naturopathic Medicine can support your fertility journey

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common gynecological conditions diagnosed, and is frequently associated with lowered fertility. PCOS need not be a reason to give up on your pregnancy hopes. There is plenty of support available, and several effective treatment approaches to explore.

Endometriosis and the Microbiome: How do gut bugs affect period pain?

Endometriosis and the Microbiome: How do gut bugs affect period pain?

Unlike conventional approaches to treatment, Naturopathic Medicine takes into consideration the multi-faceted and inter-related characteristics of endometriosis, in order to find effective and lasting treatment options for managing the symptoms associated with endometriosis, including reduced pelvic pain, improved fertility outcomes, and fostering an enhanced sense of agency in one’s state of well-being.

Butterfly Effect: All you ever wanted to know about thyroid health (Featured in Whole Family Magazine)

Butterfly Effect: All you ever wanted to know about thyroid health (Featured in Whole Family Magazine)

Thyroid hormones impact our whole body. Symptoms may show up in areas such as sleep trouble, body weight challenges, hair loss, dry skin, heart rate and temperature changes, constipation, as well as focus and memory issues. Knowing what to look for can help speed up diagnosis and allow treatment to start sooner. This article was featured in the Whole Family Magazine Winter 2021 issue.

Build Boundaries Not Walls: Navigating vulnerability and fear in the search for connection

Build Boundaries Not Walls: Navigating vulnerability and fear in the search for connection

We all need boundaries. They help us develop and sustain healthy, reciprocal relationships. Without boundaries, we're easily harmed, drained, and may become resentful or fearful in relationships. Fear of being hurt may lead us to build walls. But walls isolate, and prevent us from developing meaningful connections. When we cultivate self-awareness, we can better identify and assert boundaries so that we can be vulnerable enough to connect, but confident enough to protect our physical and emotional integrity.

What is Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture?

What is Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture?

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a painless, non-surgical method of reducing the signs of the aging process. Fine lines may be entirely erased, deeper lines reduced and bags around the eyes and neck tightened and firmed. Facial Acupuncture stimulates blood flow or Qi circulation increasing collagen production, reducing muscle tension (which contributes to the formation of wrinkles) and increasing circulation. It is a safe, painless effective and relaxing treatment for the face and whole body.

PMS or PMDD - what's normal?

PMS or PMDD - what's normal?

According to some definitions of premenstrual syndrome, pretty much any symptom can be chalked up to that time of the month. So how do we figure out what’s normal?

The more intense, and the longer before your period that symptoms begin, the more likely it is your body would benefit from support in moving through its monthly cycle. It’s normal to have signs and symptoms that let us know we’re moving through our cycle, but PMS doesn’t have to be a dreaded monthly ordeal.

Benefits of vitamin B12

Benefits of vitamin B12

Low B12 is associated with many health concerns, including neurological damage (like nerve pain), anemia (trouble making red blood cells), fatigue, depression, brain fog, dementia, hair loss, difficult weight management, poor immune function, macular degeneration (vision loss), and increased heart disease risk. A B12 injection is a quick, easy, cost-effective way of making sure you’ve got all the B12 you need without having to think about taking a supplement.

Get Rid of Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Get Rid of Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Seasonal allergies are the result of our immune system overreacting to something in our environment. Our system perceives pollen, for example, as a threat and mounts an inflammatory response to get it the heck out of our body. The result can be itchy eyes, runny nose, scratchy throat and a general state of misery. Until we figure out how to change our programming, there’s plenty of natural options to help reduce the frequency and severity of seasonal allergies.

Building a Healthy Immune System - what is the immune system and how does it work?`

Building a Healthy Immune System - what is the immune system and how does it work?`

If you’d like an easy to digest lesson in physiology, with relevant references to how we can influence or impact our body’s natural mechanics, here’s Building a Healthy Immune System: Part 1 - what is the immune system and how does it work?

Ginger Root: tasty, versatile, accessible medicine

Ginger Root: tasty, versatile, accessible medicine

Ginger root is one of my favourite medicinal herbs because it’s so tasty, easy to find (just about any green grocer or grocery store has it), and versatile! I grew up knowing ginger as a flavour for a range of delicious dishes, as well as a candy. Sugar-coated candied ginger was a sweet and spicy treat! Turns out, ginger is also great for making you sweat (it’s a diaphoretic) which is great for helping fend off a cold or flu.

The link between self-care, self-love and community resilience

The link between self-care, self-love and community resilience

Self-care is crucial not only to our own survival, but the survival of our families, our communities, and society at large. We need to carve out space to be with ourselves, to be self-aware, self-reflective, and self-nourishing. In short, we need to give ourselves love. Love for ourselves gives us the ability to meaningfully share space with others, to care for those in need, and to meet the challenges of each day with resilience. It will allow us to learn, grow and thrive.

A New Year, Renewed Challenges

A New Year, Renewed Challenges

A New Year can bring a new outlook, new commitments to self-improvement, and new hope for what’s to come. As we begin 2021, there are glimmers of hope on the horizon yet uncertainties persist.As a Naturopathic Doctor who is accustomed to emphasizing the importance of self-care and community connection, I struggle to find the avenues for fulfilling these needs under current circumstances. It really isn’t easy. Yet I have to find a way to do this for myself, so that I can continue to support my patients, and hopefully lead by example.

Joining WSB Massage & Wellness

Joining WSB Massage & Wellness

I’m delighted to announce that I’ve joined WSB Massage & Wellness. I look forward to working with an extraordinary team of multidisciplinary practitioners located in the very neighbourhood where I grew up. Come in and check out the beautiful health oasis that Cindy & Devin have created to support wellbeing and connection in the community. Located at the junction of High Park, Bloor West Village, Roncesvalles, Junction Triangle and Bloordale neighbourhoods. I look forward to seeing you there!

Resilience and Root Cause

Resilience and Root Cause

We are also uniquely equipped with the knowledge and tools to thrive in situations of stress and hardship. We can make health modifying lifestyle choices and draw on the myriad treatments at our disposal. But we must also address the deeper roots of holistic wellness. In my view, the underlying thrust of holistic care revolves around tuning into one’s authentic self. In this way we can understand and respond to our needs, desires and aversions; we can plan for them and recognize them as they arise. This is treatment and prevention. This is healthcare and a way of life. The way we foster resilience as a community, is by following our own advice.