If you’d like an easy to digest lesson in physiology, with relevant references to how we can influence or impact our body’s natural mechanics, here’s Building a Healthy Immune System: Part 1 - what is the immune system and how does it work?
Perimenopause is the window of time where the body gradually undergoes the transition to menopause, or the end of the menstrual cycle. Reproductive hormone levels will fluctuate as they work towards an overall decline in production. Walk confidently into menopause knowing that your sex life need not suffer - there are supports available to help maintain the health and hydration of vaginal tissue, and to support a robust libido after menopause.
The misery of PMS is avoidable! We are not irrational, unreliable, or hysterical by virtue of our monthly cycle. PMS doesn’t have to be something to dread. It doesn’t have to feel like we’re out of control. PMS doesn’t have to ruin your month. We can help.
The most common recommendations for PCOS within conventional medicine are to regulate menstrual cycles with hormonal birth control and to lose weight. The real issue and what we should be treating is the metabolic mis-firing, not the number on a scale. Weight loss is often used as a goalpost to reach even though it may not directly affect outcomes. Unfortunately, the quick recommendation in the case of most PCOS patients that they lose weight is rooted in medicalized fat-phobia rather than supported by best practices and patient outcomes.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common gynecological conditions diagnosed, and is frequently associated with lowered fertility. PCOS need not be a reason to give up on your pregnancy hopes. There is plenty of support available, and several effective treatment approaches to explore.
Unlike conventional approaches to treatment, Naturopathic Medicine takes into consideration the multi-faceted and inter-related characteristics of endometriosis, in order to find effective and lasting treatment options for managing the symptoms associated with endometriosis, including reduced pelvic pain, improved fertility outcomes, and fostering an enhanced sense of agency in one’s state of well-being.
building a healthy immune system