Mental Health

Put an end to your nightmare PMS

Put an end to your nightmare PMS

The misery of PMS is avoidable! We are not irrational, unreliable, or hysterical by virtue of our monthly cycle. PMS doesn’t have to be something to dread. It doesn’t have to feel like we’re out of control. PMS doesn’t have to ruin your month. We can help.

Build Boundaries Not Walls: Navigating vulnerability and fear in the search for connection

Build Boundaries Not Walls: Navigating vulnerability and fear in the search for connection

We all need boundaries. They help us develop and sustain healthy, reciprocal relationships. Without boundaries, we're easily harmed, drained, and may become resentful or fearful in relationships. Fear of being hurt may lead us to build walls. But walls isolate, and prevent us from developing meaningful connections. When we cultivate self-awareness, we can better identify and assert boundaries so that we can be vulnerable enough to connect, but confident enough to protect our physical and emotional integrity.

The link between self-care, self-love and community resilience

The link between self-care, self-love and community resilience

Self-care is crucial not only to our own survival, but the survival of our families, our communities, and society at large. We need to carve out space to be with ourselves, to be self-aware, self-reflective, and self-nourishing. In short, we need to give ourselves love. Love for ourselves gives us the ability to meaningfully share space with others, to care for those in need, and to meet the challenges of each day with resilience. It will allow us to learn, grow and thrive.

Mistakes feed our growth - if we let them

Mistakes feed our growth - if we let them

We all make mistakes. When we expect a lot of ourselves, sometimes we can get wrapped up in the pursuit of perfection. It’s great to aim high, however no one gets everything right on the first try. If we’re striving for perfection or even to be better, we need to be okay with making mistakes along the way. And when these mistakes happen, we need to own them.

Re-opening, re-building and moving forward

Re-opening, re-building and moving forward

This year has brought a wave of challenges in every area of life – every person, business, and community has been affected. Fatigue, frustration and anger are common and normal reactions to the upheavals we’ve experienced over these past few months. So yes, most of us are exhausted. And yet the demands to adapt, produce, and care for continue.

We need to focus on what is within our power to do and change, and let go of what is not. So be clear on your needs and boundaries. Articulate these for yourself, and for those in your bubble. And respect the needs and boundaries of others.

By taking the lead in fostering a wellness first lifestyle, you are committing an act of kindness for yourself, but you are also supporting your ability to contribute care and support to your family, community, and the world, and to create and achieve what matters most to you.

Building resilience in challenging times

Building resilience in challenging times

Although a sense of disempowerment can easily seep in as we lose some of the freedom and sense of purpose we’re accustomed to, there’s much we can do for ourselves and each other under the difficult circumstances we find ourselves in. In addition to following the public health spread prevention recommendations, let’s consider a few of the many ways that we can build our strength and resilience as we face these challenges both alone and together.