mental health

A New Year, Renewed Challenges

A New Year, Renewed Challenges

A New Year can bring a new outlook, new commitments to self-improvement, and new hope for what’s to come. As we begin 2021, there are glimmers of hope on the horizon yet uncertainties persist.As a Naturopathic Doctor who is accustomed to emphasizing the importance of self-care and community connection, I struggle to find the avenues for fulfilling these needs under current circumstances. It really isn’t easy. Yet I have to find a way to do this for myself, so that I can continue to support my patients, and hopefully lead by example.

St John's Wort - healing from without and within

St John's Wort - healing from without and within

St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a powerful local medicine that can support our healing from without and within. St John’s wort has been found to be as effective as commonly prescribed anti-depressant drugs at improving symptoms of mild and moderate depression, and to carry a lower risk of adverse side effects. The flowers can be extracted in oil and used to help speed the healing of minor wounds (cuts, scrapes, burns, myalgia) and skin irritations (rash, dry skin, eczema).

Mistakes feed our growth - if we let them

Mistakes feed our growth - if we let them

We all make mistakes. When we expect a lot of ourselves, sometimes we can get wrapped up in the pursuit of perfection. It’s great to aim high, however no one gets everything right on the first try. If we’re striving for perfection or even to be better, we need to be okay with making mistakes along the way. And when these mistakes happen, we need to own them.

Re-opening, re-building and moving forward

Re-opening, re-building and moving forward

This year has brought a wave of challenges in every area of life – every person, business, and community has been affected. Fatigue, frustration and anger are common and normal reactions to the upheavals we’ve experienced over these past few months. So yes, most of us are exhausted. And yet the demands to adapt, produce, and care for continue.

We need to focus on what is within our power to do and change, and let go of what is not. So be clear on your needs and boundaries. Articulate these for yourself, and for those in your bubble. And respect the needs and boundaries of others.

By taking the lead in fostering a wellness first lifestyle, you are committing an act of kindness for yourself, but you are also supporting your ability to contribute care and support to your family, community, and the world, and to create and achieve what matters most to you.

Featured Herb: Lavender

Featured Herb: Lavender

I love lavender – it is one of my go-to herbs for calm and comfort. It is gentle yet powerful, aromatically delightful and instantly soothing. It calms the mind and supports relaxation. The essential oil is something I always have in the cupboard, great for diffusing alone or in combination with other soothing aromas.

Lavender has been clinically shown to be effective in the treatment of anxiety, depression with anxiety, postpartum depression, and disturbed sleep.