Immune Health

Get Rid of Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Get Rid of Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Seasonal allergies are the result of our immune system overreacting to something in our environment. Our system perceives pollen, for example, as a threat and mounts an inflammatory response to get it the heck out of our body. The result can be itchy eyes, runny nose, scratchy throat and a general state of misery. Until we figure out how to change our programming, there’s plenty of natural options to help reduce the frequency and severity of seasonal allergies.

Building a Healthy Immune System - what is the immune system and how does it work?`

Building a Healthy Immune System - what is the immune system and how does it work?`

If you’d like an easy to digest lesson in physiology, with relevant references to how we can influence or impact our body’s natural mechanics, here’s Building a Healthy Immune System: Part 1 - what is the immune system and how does it work?

Ginger Root: tasty, versatile, accessible medicine

Ginger Root: tasty, versatile, accessible medicine

Ginger root is one of my favourite medicinal herbs because it’s so tasty, easy to find (just about any green grocer or grocery store has it), and versatile! I grew up knowing ginger as a flavour for a range of delicious dishes, as well as a candy. Sugar-coated candied ginger was a sweet and spicy treat! Turns out, ginger is also great for making you sweat (it’s a diaphoretic) which is great for helping fend off a cold or flu.

Hydrotherapy at home: Hype your day with a contrast shower

Hydrotherapy at home: Hype your day with a contrast shower

Hype your Day with a Contrast Shower using the healing power of water + the science of temperature control. This technique is ideal to use when we’re feeling vulnerable to illness. The increased flow and clearance actually boosts immune function, promotes circulation & lymphatic drainage & eases inflammation.

Turkey Tail

Turkey Tail

Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor), is commonly found on trees and logs in Ontario. It’s packed with antioxidants which makes it a great support for heart health and for fighting inflammation. It’s also known to improve the function of the immune system, and may enhance certain cancer treatments. It can improve gut health by supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the microbiome.

Moving through the Change of Season

Moving through the Change of Season

This year is bringing new dimensions to back-to-school season, including uncertainties and potentially greater anxieties. With the added concerns that come with emerging from our bubbles and suddenly re-immersing ourselves and our children back into (previously normal) social interaction, there’s even more reason to make sure we’re doing our best to support our health this fall.

Seasonal allergies have you in tears?

Seasonal allergies have you in tears?

Seasonal allergies can be an unwelcome gift of Spring. They can disrupt your regular activities, make it harder to sleep, work and play, drain the pleasure from eating a delicious meal, and cause others to cast leery looks your way wondering it if it really is ‘just allergies’. There are many alternatives from foods and dietary supplements, to botanical medicines to homeopathic remedies that may relieve your seasonal suffering, and offer you a chance to experience the joy of stopping to smell the roses.