food is medicine

Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis)

Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis)

Goldenrod leaves and flowers can be enjoyed fresh in salads or other dishes, infused in a tea, made into a tincture, or used topically. The herb is known to clear sinus congestion, cleanse the urinary tract, and heal minor wounds. It can also be used to support minor digestive discomfort or as a mouth rinse to support oral health.

Turkey Tail

Turkey Tail

Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor), is commonly found on trees and logs in Ontario. It’s packed with antioxidants which makes it a great support for heart health and for fighting inflammation. It’s also known to improve the function of the immune system, and may enhance certain cancer treatments. It can improve gut health by supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the microbiome.

Seasonal allergies have you in tears?

Seasonal allergies have you in tears?

Seasonal allergies can be an unwelcome gift of Spring. They can disrupt your regular activities, make it harder to sleep, work and play, drain the pleasure from eating a delicious meal, and cause others to cast leery looks your way wondering it if it really is ‘just allergies’. There are many alternatives from foods and dietary supplements, to botanical medicines to homeopathic remedies that may relieve your seasonal suffering, and offer you a chance to experience the joy of stopping to smell the roses.