Pelvic health

How do I know if it's Perimenopause? Signs and symptoms of perimenopause and when to get support

How do I know if it's Perimenopause? Signs and symptoms of perimenopause and when to get support

Perimenopause is the window of time where the body gradually undergoes the transition to menopause, or the end of the menstrual cycle. Reproductive hormone levels will fluctuate as they work towards an overall decline in production. Walk confidently into menopause knowing that your sex life need not suffer - there are supports available to help maintain the health and hydration of vaginal tissue, and to support a robust libido after menopause. 

Endometriosis and the Microbiome: How do gut bugs affect period pain?

Endometriosis and the Microbiome: How do gut bugs affect period pain?

Unlike conventional approaches to treatment, Naturopathic Medicine takes into consideration the multi-faceted and inter-related characteristics of endometriosis, in order to find effective and lasting treatment options for managing the symptoms associated with endometriosis, including reduced pelvic pain, improved fertility outcomes, and fostering an enhanced sense of agency in one’s state of well-being.

PMS or PMDD - what's normal?

PMS or PMDD - what's normal?

According to some definitions of premenstrual syndrome, pretty much any symptom can be chalked up to that time of the month. So how do we figure out what’s normal?

The more intense, and the longer before your period that symptoms begin, the more likely it is your body would benefit from support in moving through its monthly cycle. It’s normal to have signs and symptoms that let us know we’re moving through our cycle, but PMS doesn’t have to be a dreaded monthly ordeal.